How to tackle Child obesity problems with explanation

Nowadays a multi-faceted approach should be used to address the problem of increasing obesity in children which affects various aspects of a child’s life। This thing is explained in detail here. Here, we are going to tell you about child obesity. So please stay connect with us.

1.Education and awareness about child obesity: It is very important to educate 2 children with good nutrition, balanced food, proper control over the amount of food and the importance of regular physical exercise and labor। This may be possible through school programs, community utilities and healthcare providers।

2. Development of healthy and clean eating habits for child obesity : Encouraging the use of fruits, vegetables, all types of grains and essential proteins and also using processed food, sweet drinks and over-fat breakfasts to use Can reduce to a great extent।

3.Special attention to physical activities for chid obeisity: It is very important to encourage young children to participate in physical activities regularly। This can be done through the games played at home, the games played at the field, and the setting of screen time limits। Pay special attention to TV, video games, smartphones so that children are busy with physical activity।

4. Beautiful and safe environment for child obesity : Creating a safe and beautiful environment to participate in physical activities, for example the perfect environment for parks, playgrounds, and foot traffic can encourage children to do more activity।

5.Family involvement is essential for child obesity: It is very important for children as well as other family members to take steps towards adopting healthy lifestyles। This includes setting good examples of parents through their own behavior, as well as creating healthy food and engaging in physical activities with the family।

6.School-based activities for child obeisty: Schools play an important role in encouraging healthy and safe lifestyles. This includes programs of nutrition education, providing healthy food, incorporating physical activity into the curriculum, and school feeding standards।